essay on old is gold
Friends are the most important part of your life and most precious gift of god. We spend most of our time with our friends.Friendship is one relation on earth, which you choose by yourself as compared to other relations(like parents, siblings, etc) which are given to you by god. It has also been scientifically proven that, if you are friends with someone for more than 6 years, you are friends for life.I strongly believe that it's important to keep old friends as compared to making new friends for following reasons.
First of all, trust between two people is build over a period of time and therefore trust between two old friends is more strong as compared to new friends. So, it's easy to share your feelings and problems to a person whom you trust more. For example, in my case whenever I am despondent and unhappy, I share my problems with my old friend because I know she understand me and she can give me right advise to come out of that situation.I trust her and know that she will never tell my personal things to someone else. But it's difficult to open up on your problems and personal matters with a new friend.
In addition to that, old friends know your strengths and weaknesses very well. They can always guide you in right direction.They understand how and in which situation you can perform better, things you are more comfortable with. While on other hand, it takes time to know likes and dislikes in a newly develop friendship.For instance, When I was on deciding mode of my career, I was not sure which stream should I choose. That time quite a old friend of mine suggested that you should go for engineering as you have good acumen and strong problem solving skills. I followed her advice, and now I am an engineer. I always thank that friend to show me the right direction.
in conclusion, an old friend is definitely more important in life than a new friend. As the old adage "old is gold", we should also cherish our old friends.