English, asked by meenaalags, 11 months ago

essay on planet crisis


Answered by genius7763
Answered by gokulavarshini
We live in a time of constant crisis, the problem with this is like when you live in a big city in America or any other place on Earth, on my long commute to work twice, the daily back and forth from home to work, and back, I am stop by traffic sirens at least three or fourth times, sometimes more, to the point you become immune to the thought  that in the whining and pesky ambulance there may be a person dying… I know the bus driver pull to the side of the road fulfilling his side of the bargain, his/hers civil duty, but this not stop of becoming a nuisance too often repeated until you become immune to the  thought there is someone who need instant medical attention his life in danger, this is an  analogy to the repeated but now old news, and most likely, every time we skip the article were a new evidence for Global warming, contamination of soils, or fresh water resources, depletion of natural resources, the dying of species, etc.

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