Essay on possible application of concept of magnetism in present and future life.
Both electricity and magnetism are used to build important aspects of today’s world. Items such as motors, generators, different forms of transportation, any type of technology, how information is stored, etc. are all controlled and formed by electricity and magnetism. Most often electricity and magnetism have been studied separately. However, researcher TU Wien has studied their effects when put together and has learned to use electric fields to control magnetic oscillations in different items (Staff, University). This development has opened doors for how technology can be controlled in the future. For example, curently data is generated by electric signals but then stored through magnetic means.
Mass spectrometry (MS) is the art of displaying the spectra (singular spectrum) of the masses of a sample of material. It is used for determining the elemental composition of a sample, and properties of the particles and molecules (the chemical structures of molecules, such as peptides and other chemical compounds).
Schematic of Mass Spectrometer: Schematics of a simple mass spectrometer with sector type mass analyzer. This one is for the measurement of carbon dioxide isotope ratios as in the carbon-13urea breath test.
Mass spectrometers, as diagramed in, separate compounds based on a property known as the mass-to-charge ratio. The sample to be identified is first ionized, and then passed through some form of magnetic field. Based on parameters, such as how long it takes the molecule to travel a certain distance or the amount of deflection caused by the field, a mass can be calculated for the ion.