English, asked by soo5483, 9 months ago

Essay on Pre and Post convid -19 Pandamic senerio

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Answered by daivikdalwadi10


The past century of human evolution has been a roller coaster ride. The industrial revolution touched on every facet of human growth but at the same time, the quality of human life has degraded. The average human life expectancy has grown exponentially. Nevertheless, the lives we are living are not healthy.

Infectious diseases are not new to the human race. Some major infectious diseases such as Black Death (Bubonic Plague), smallpox, Spanish flu, Asian flu, Swine flu, Cholera outbreak, HIV/AIDS, Nipah Virus, Ebola Virus and many more have been constant reasons of death in different centuries and decades.

If we look at the pandemics from the past two decades, there is one common tangent, i.e., immunity. In such a fast pacing world where everyone is aiming at making a good living and sustaining their families, the most important factor that we all defy continuously is Health. We don’t maintain good diets, we don’t exercise and we don’t do self-care. This eventually affects immunity.

In the current period, the complete globe is facing a pandemic,i.e., Coronavirus. This is a major health crisis we all are into. This is not the first time we are facing such an issue. The infectious diseases are always contagious in nature and have killed millions earlier as well. It is very important for researchers and doctors to always know their origin to track the infectiousness and approach with the cure.

The question now arises, how these diseases outbreak turn into pandemics. We can see through it with the example of Coronavirus. Coronavirus is a zoonotic virus. Zoonotic diseases are caused by harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. Mostly zoonotic germs choose non-human animals, mostly vertebrates, to sustain themselves. Zoonotic viruses are often transferred from animals to humans due to consumption. The fact remains that this virus doesn’t harm the host.

There are two proposed theories of how coronavirus might have originated. The virus evolved to its current state before getting transferred from the animals to humans. The second way can be the virus evolved in its current stage after coming into the human body. The majority of Zoonotic viruses reside in bats.

The prominent risk is to certain people. Children below five years age, adults with the weakened immune system, senior citizens, pregnant women are mostly affected.

Major contagious viruses are from animal consumptions like bats or pigs. Nowadays, food is commercialized. There is no balance in its natural sense. Animals are injected with medicines to make more money out of their flesh. They are slaughtered without taking preventive measures. They are overproduced, overexploited. In some countries, there is no supervision on killing. People eat any animal without realizing there can be consequences to it. Chinese animal market is one such example where most animals are eaten starting from bugs to bats.

The first and foremost thing to follow is trying to maintain a vegetarian diet. Plants and natural resources are sufficient enough to provide all the nutrition in the body we require.

But at places where a vegetarian diet cannot be an option due to no farming lands or means, the requirement is of governmental policies of having safe domestic animal farming and slaughtering.

Numerous preventive measures can be followed. The farms or stables should not be built in localities which can cause viruses or ticks in animals. Ticks should be reduced and decreased in stables and farms. Protective pieces of equipment like gloves, masks, and gowns should be worn when slaughtering or butchering the animals. The animals should be quarantined for 14 days before slaughter. This reduces the risk of them being viraemic. This should be supervised by WHO constantly.

Another measure is to maintain hygiene. Washing hands if and when around animals, avoiding scratches and bites of animals, handling food safely, we should not share personal items.

Thirdly, we should be vaccinated properly and our immunity should be boosted. 75% of our immunity is in our gut. Therefore, the way to healthy immunity is a healthy

One of the major preventive measures is to stay home when YOU feel sick. One should avoid traveling when there are symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, and fever. We never know what kind of bacteria evolves in our bodies. Since work from home is very much possible as we can witness in today’s scenario, there should be office

and give points now other wise i will delete question and Mark me as brainliest

Answered by VelvetCanyon


Political and economic scenarios

The traditional Right and Left are largely obsolete relics of the industrial era, based on representation of the interests of capital vs. labour and a social pact based on collective bargaining by workers. The American middle class was built not on collective bargaining, but on a template exemplified by Ford: one of aligned incentives between workers and producers who could only find a large number of consumers that mass-produced products needed by paying their workers enough.

Economically, while inflation has arguably been there all along (we just haven’t been measuring it correctly) we will likely see a return of inflation, or rather, stagflation, and a shift away from monetarist policies to fiscal ones. There will be nationalisations and de facto partial nationalizations through bailouts and the role of the state will expand and taxes will increase, possibly creating a period that looks much more like the 1970s, in both Europe and the US.

As other people’s health is transparently an issue of your own health, healthcare ceases to be a zero-sum game and the libertarian model crumbles. In its place, the alternative to an industrial style hierarchical state, is one that is much more fractal and decentralized and tries to preserve a balance of large and small, and public and private entities to allow for rewarding innovation and industriousness while protecting the disadvantaged and unfortunate. In other words, a moderate, centrist political system based on tuned, balanced systems.


Hope this could help you mark me as brainist please please please!

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