English, asked by vikashnishad1256, 10 months ago

Essay on problem of water in near future


Answered by Himanshi0

Water, the most precious commodity is being abused to such an extent that there is fear that this might lead to another world war or it may be difficult even to get drinking water. Water is indeed an integral part of human body as it accounts for 66 percent of it. The only liquid that quenches thirst satisfactorily is water and a mere two percent dehydration reduces performance by 20 percent.

The rapid increase in global population and simultaneous decrease of freshwater resource combined with mismanagement, wastage and pollution have threatened the very survival of human race on earth. United Nation estimates that 75 percent of the world population won't have reliable clean water by 2025. It is therefore just not a mere scientific pursuit but deserves a nobler perspective at this juncture.

Global freshwater availability percentage, even though small, holds not only the humans but the industrial sector by its cuff when it is short of desired demand. Compulsions both at the domestic and the industrial level have led us to introspect into the consumptive patterns for optimising and conserving them. India's annual per capita of 1850 m3 is just about one fourth of the world average of 7690 m3.

Looking at the hydrological network along the course of principal rivers over decades tells us that they have been transformed due to either encroachment or cultivation or urbanisation--Yamuna (the main flow) in Delhi has shrunk so much that one has to struggle to acquire even the original floodplain along this river. The story, I am sure is no different with other rivers in the country.

The alternative to reviving water potential of any area lies in understanding the current hydrological network and creating artificial ponds for diverting the monsoon water into them which is otherwise being wasted recklessly. A model plan of an arid zone would initially be more useful for replication elsewhere. The scientific understanding is that the creations of such ponds enhances the moisture content of the surrounding soil and promote natural plant growth which would facilitate retention of moisture in the soil for longer periods than otherwise.

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