essay on problem or disability in society
Disability is one of the most important issues in the society because stigmatization of people with disabilities contributed to formation of biases and put them into the disadvantageous position compared to others, who didn't have problem od disability. Such biases contributed to the discrimination of people with disabilities which have been eliminated consistently since emergence of civil right movement and the introduction of legal changes such as Americans with disabilities etc. Today, problem of people with disabilities and discrimination persists because many biases are resilient. In this regard education is particularly vulnerable to the problem of integration of students with disabilities into learning process. Since the modern education system attempts to provide equal opportunities for all students eliminating the discrimination of students with disabilities.
Disability is a complex notion that involves Limited opportunities and special needs of people but it does not mean the inferiority of individuals compared to those who do not have disability. One of the major challenge people face with disabilities a challenge of professional training and development. Disability May limit learning ability of individual that prevent them from obtaining the target of education and making a successful career.