English, asked by omprakashgathe835, 9 months ago

essay on prosperous India in 200 words​


Answered by Shraddha1519


once upon a time mockingly and on occasions disrespectfully referred to as “The Land of the Snake charmers, Elephants and Beggars”, “The Land of a Million Gods” etc., with the advent of time has undergone a stark metamorphosis & is now being referred to using flattering epithets such as “The Silicon Valley of the East”, “The Cradle of the IT industry” & “The World’s Outsourcing Hub”; clearly signaling India’s arrival on the ‘big’ stage in a ‘big’ way. As understanding of the historical traditions is very important in order to form a concrete futuristic vision of nation like India. India has a long history and as it is understood presently, it has covered a span of five thousand years since the period of its first known civilization. In a bid to provide my vision for and of India in the 21st century, I put forward my perception, views and opinions under different topics

In economic field, I hope India will make great progress. Agriculture will make a rapid advance, generating enough surplus and providing food for everyone. Certainly the industrial development will have a balanced look providing work for everyone and at the same time bringing prosperity and sustained development for our natural resources. And there will be no more rise of population.

Often our political leaders lack 'political will' and work in a petty and partisan manner. Still I am hopeful, by that time democracy will be strengthened in India and it will give rise to true statesmen who will further take ahead my vision of India and each aspect of the Directive Principles of our Constitution will be fulfilled.

The most important part of the human resource development is meaningful education for all. I hope by that time India will develop an advanced and relevant education system taking care of the needs of all the aspects of the society. I am sure India by that time will be able to take care of the health needs of all its citizen and Right to Education will achieve its target.

Elections till be peaceful and every citizen will exercise his/her franchise fearlessly. By that time no politician or political part will be allowed to exploit caste, region, language or ethnicity for their political gain. Every individual as an electorate will have the right to dismiss the representative from the state assembly, local governing bodies and parliaments at the half way mark of the term of office, if found and proved guilty of malpractice. However, in such issues the majority of the opinion of aggrieved individuals will have the valid decree to decide the above dismissal.Individuals will have the right to nominate a person of extraordinary abilities in the legislature, even if the said Individual does not contest the elections. Individuals will have the right to exercise the vote through the mail, telephone and other media e.g. e-mail etc. also


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