English, asked by 1DeepKumar1, 4 months ago



Answered by smolbean
Feminism (n): the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.

If you pick up a dictionary, that’s the definition you’ll find for the word ‘feminism’. In simple terms, there shouldn’t be any injustice met out to either sex. They should be treated equally. But, off late, a new type of feminism is developing which is rightly called as pseudo feminism. Pseudo feminists hold a strong resolve to correct all the injustices done to women, mostly by lashing out at men and demeaning them. What they forget is the basic essence of feminism movement: equality. Another form of pseudo feminism, according to me, is the feminism of convenience. The biggest example being: men paying for dates. If we’re as equal as women proclaim to be, why can’t a restaurant bill be split between the two? The reason is simple-men are too egoistic to let a woman pay, and for a few women it miraculously becomes a man’s job to pay for the date. Where, I ask these feminists, does the feminism vanish then?

We often don’t realize it, but pseudo feminism is all around us, hiding behind feminism in clandestine. We’re the women shouting for equal rights everywhere, but don’t waste a single minute asking a guy sitting on a Ladies Reserved seat to vacate it. Why do we need reservations in general coaches? Since we’re able bodied, strong, grown-up women of strength, can’t we stand in a general coach? Men doing 9-5 jobs, burning their hours toiling hard to earn, are as tired as we are. It is just a very preposterous notion. Like it’s correctly said, two wrongs don’t make a right.

Another stark example of pseudo feminism is the income tax slab being higher for women than it is for men. A woman earning till 3,00,000-3,50,000 is exempted from paying tax is what has been proposed by the Narendra Modi government. If both men and women are earning the same account, then why should only the men pay tax on it? This leaves me in a big dilemma. In India, men are mostly the prime income earners. If they pay a tax on a nominal salary, they are left with very little to sustain their families with. Exceptions to the situation exist but I strongly believe if the true value of feminism is to be followed, then equality has to be taken into account. If a man is paying tax for the same salary a woman is also earning, so should a women.
Answered by ZohaNaazXD


Transpiration is the loss of water from a plant in the form of water vapor. Water is absorbed by roots from the soil and transported as a liquid to the leaves via xylem. In the leaves, small pores allow water to escape as a vapor.

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