Essay on Pubg (spoiling the youth of the world)
When I was in school, we used to play counter strike. PUBG is an improvement over CS. Best thing, You can play it on mobile phone and with your friends no matter how far they are. its a great game. I don't think CS, PUBG or Mario or contra or any other game has or will destroy our youth if played moderately. Its a form of entertainment. Its nothing new. Its just an improvement over existing games. And also more addictive than its predecessors. So, users need to be careful to not get addicted to it.
Like with anything else, moderation is important. Play too much and you miss out on physical world life and you'll miss out on the fun in virtual world if you don't play it at all.
However, teenagers should play more physical games like cricket, football, etc as it is important for overall body development and health. Better to play PUBG just for the sake of experience. So, you're not missing out on it. But, don't waste too much time on it.
Is it good for the teens? Well, that depends on the individuals self-control.
So, no , it wasn't made to destroy the youth. It was created for everyone's entertainment. Its just that it's better than PC version as it can be played the anywhere on phone.
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