English, asked by hellemaguri, 1 year ago

essay on public participation in promoting integrity and eradicating corruption in 500 words


Answered by rahulragini

Corruption is endemic in India today. For getting a routine job done, or for obtaining permission for anything, one may have to pay a bribe. This is an unnerving experience for many citizens in this country and a large section has gradually lost faith in the wonderful democratic system that had been put in place by the founding fathers of this great nation nearly seventy years ago.

In our early childhood, we are told to be honest, but where does our integrity vanish when we march into adulthood. Honesty is just not a great human quality, it is a necessary attribute. Strong moral principles need to be acquired if we want our country to progress.

In days gone by, we had leaders at most levels who were incorruptible. They joined politics to serve the people and it was just a social service. Today, politics gives a person an opportunity to loot and plunder, transform the nation’s wealth into one’s own. Reports of corruption and acquiring of ill-gotten wealth abound. Corruption is a scourge that needs to be treated on a war footing, else it is bound to spread like the dreaded disease, Cancer. Besides corruption one other problem is its suppression by the powers that be. Whenever a report of corruption appears in the press, hurriedly enquiry commissions are set up, with the singular motive of suppressing the issue. Once the issue has been swept under the carpet, it is back to ‘routine’ business again. So, the vicious circle goes round and round with monotonous and highly shameful regularity! However, there are exceptions too. What needs to be done is to stand up, protest and be counted!  

Therefore, we need apolitical people like Anna Hazare to start another movement. Leadership rendered by such a person as him will give credence to a movement for promoting integrity and eradicating corruption. Who is Anna Hazare and why would he be more effective than others? Hazare is a person who has spent most or all of his adult life in the cause of the people, has no vested interest in anything he does and, probably, does not even have a personal Bank Account nor any personal material possession to show.

Even when a movement is begun by a person like Hazare, it is to be ensured that no politician or aspiring politician is allowed to join in. This overriding principle will help win the trust and confidence of common people, who will then join in large numbers in an effort to fight the cancer of corruption. The silent majority will thus find a forum to promote the basic human qualities of integrity and accountability, crucial in eradication of corruption.

When such a movement attains a critical mass, it begins posing questions to people holding public office, be they political or apolitical. Everyone should be made accountable to the average citizen in the country. Every rupee spent is to be accounted for and the benefits of the nation’s wealth and resources designed to percolate down to the lowest rungs of society.   

Answered by fluffy
 corruption means "dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery". We also know that corruption is something that should not be practiced indeed it is considered as illegal in many of the countries including India. We being an educated citizens but yet to get any kind of government work done actually firstly we intentionally don't want to bribe them but the situations leads in that path way where we have actually give them thousands of rupees so that our work that is to be done will be done immediately. Actually we know that bribing someone for our work is really a wrong thing and even we are aware of that fact that if any cop or higher official has caught us then we actually have to pay a lots of penalty or even sometime you will be prison-ed for couple of years. We shouldn't actually bribe and the people should be aware that if any government official will ask for the bribe which is considered also as corruption we should inform about it to the cops. The big ministers actually practice corruption as lot so that they have earn a lot of money in their 5 year minister-ship because who knows whether are they going to become minister or not after the next election. We money is the matter that is people running after we know this but even the leaders are doing this kind of stuff by forgetting this if they walk in that pathway what about other common people? We a fact is that India is yet a developing country just because this corruption. The funds that should actually reach the common people is eaten or even more clearly taken away by the central, local leaders also. It's major effect on our country is people actually cannot develop properly, development process will never really complete and even the major fact is that common people actually don't even know what is happening behind the curtain which really a shame because we the common people actually elect the leaders and these leaders only count the votes and fell happy that they won because they know that they can earn a lot of money in the time span of five years. Actually we know that we heard the same song some where while election time but yet we believe that the new leader is going to eradicate the practice of corruption but no! even they don't do that.
                  While is comes to the fact of eradicating corruption well we know that the there few state governments like Telangana and other states which actually have a toll free number which can be used by the common people so that when even there is any bribing going on or even any government official asking for a bribe then they can immediately without any hesitation can call up to this number and feel free to tell that there is corruption going on. Well even the common people I guess should work hard on this so that there would be no corruption going on. People shouldn't regret that the government officials actually do corruption instead they have stand against it so that this problem will have a solution.  
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