essay on reading thriller books
Why Reading Thrillers is Healthy for You:-
There are a few reasons why reading thrillers in particular are healthy for you.
Empathy :Thrillers are very emotional books. Often it can feel like you, as the reader, are on a roller coaster. (I wrote a previous post about the differences between thrillers, suspense and mystery books that you might want to check out.) This is great when life serves you a problem that you feel completely overwhelmed by. Slip between the pages of a well-written thriller and you’ll forget all about your own issues…at least for a little while.
Excitement :Thriller books are also great for adding excitement to our lives. Hit a dull patch? Feel like you’re in a period of waiting? Diving into a thriller can help get your mind off of whatever it is that’s making you feel antsy.
Escape :This sums up most fiction reading nicely, doesn’t it? Whether you’re stressed about money or your kid’s behavior, the strange habit your dog has taken up or a supervisor who l-o-v-e-s to push your buttons, losing yourself in a good thriller novel can help you cope. I like to call it “getting your fiction fix”. Of course it goes without saying that if you’re struggling with a big or long-lasting problem chances are that it’s not going to get better by ignoring it. Escaping occasionally can be healing. Escaping all the time? That could be dangerous for your health.
gone girl, enduring love.the shining these are one of the most thriller books