English, asked by rajnishyadav2008mgs, 2 months ago

essay on right efforts yield right result.​


Answered by sumit987ss


Efforts are the actions being taken to do any work. These can be negative , postive , active or passive. These are the efforts which lead anyone to a particular direction. If the efforts are made in a positive , constructive and right way , they will take us to the right destiny in a right manner.

Suppose a farmer is sowing seed in a right way, at a right time , in a right season , of the right quality , definitely his efforts will be giving him right production, right yield and right crops.

Efforts are the actions that makes the results of the situations of the life.

Answered by shanon30

“Right Effort” involves not seeking them out, but if they arise letting them come and go without striving to hold .

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