English, asked by aishowrya, 1 year ago

Essay on role of IT in making India corruption free....
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Expecting great Answers:)


Answered by AnviGottlieb
here's your answer !

- by AnviGottlieb

❇ Introduction to corruption

◾we have been living in a generation where hostility towards people who believe in being corruption free in nearly common..the effect of this hostility is see everywhere -
in every era , in every field , in every way ....
in my opinion ,
this happens primarily because of three reasons existent in this weary world..

⚫the thirst of rising high on glory , not with the stamp of merit, rather going away from it

⚪the irresistible belief of forgetting the simple ideals , goals and objectives our ancestors set in front of us for development and preparation for the future

⚫the notion that in today's day.. by ignoring self-respect and honesty ... we can achieve the roots of anything good.. enough to get you going

◽in my opinion ,
these have been the primary causes of the existence of this dirty face of corruption prevelant in India .... more sadness lies in the fact that the future will be more ghastly than the present.. due to this devil..we have been experiencing a truly inquisitive and disturbed era.. where we need to at least touch the crossroads of dishonesty for being successful or for achieving a hint of speciality... even if it isn't achieved by merit ..

◾the various job opportunities in India,
the high posts , offices , degrees , estates are derived corruptly , if I'm not wrong in any context ... the people who stand bowing before their masters should have been Rulling over them.. because the high degrees are near to dishonesty , unfair means , and corruption..

❇ India and technology

⭕ from experiencing the stone age to the space age.. we have come a long way ..now this shouldn't been seen in the context that we haven't achieved this without our capabilities ..

it's true we've been
⏺ tortured
⏹ ill treated
⏺been thought undeservant of
but we rise up and fought to be what we are today ..we never disregarded our existence and we now proudly stand to provide to the world ..
wonderful scientists , it professionals , developers , space excavators , etc..

⭕ we must be proud to state and clarify all doubts regarding the fact that we are the producers and directors of the sternest possibilities of information technology services in the world..
and our anxious wait for over centuries has come to a glorious end with the fact that the high quality discoveries , active participation by little children too throughout the world in contributing to the information technology sector is indeed commendable
in every sense we can say that we're probably going to be the world leaders some days from now..

⭕ but that's not the fact we need to stress and strengthen upon.. the main matter is regarding this that because of the effort we're putting in this true transitions of mankind.. we're sure to further go forth in future .. India is a glorious in today's world and will be seen more when we go on in the near future ...


❇ the final effect of the matter - information and corruption - free- ness and talent- less

⏩ living in an era of endless possibilities, opportunities and aspirations ...I have acknowledged one thing , that the world of technology is fast - progressing , fast- approaching and is ready to fascinate even the most important people of the world who dream of establishing a new era of resources and representative technology..

⏩ the IT industry and trade sector has given the chance to create a works wherein knowledge and technology are open to all... if not scarce . how it prevents corruption- is really good and burning topic ...

the primary causes and consequences are as follows :-

information technology is a purely educational sector - where the primary aim is attaining the root causes of development and implementation of them in order to create development and preparation of financial services , developed nation and being noticible of its existence and properties ,

❕ henceforth , a really low space for corruption is present because of the need of intellectual individuals

initially and literally speaking ,
the it sector has always been the Apple of the eyes for the people of the lower economical class .. and people work really hard to get a job here.. to rediscover themselves back doing a good job ...

❕ henceforth , it is really difficult for those people to accept being bribed , being rude and accepting corruption as a medium to achieve everything they possibly Don't advertise it in any condition... :)


please refer to this link : this question is answered by me , for more information on the question and getting more Answers

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