English, asked by adnanhasan, 1 year ago

essay on save fuel for better environment and health


Answered by lattika025

Essay on Save Fuel for Better Environment and Health

Fuel is a natural resource that produces useful energy when it undergoes a chemical or nuclear reaction. Coal, wood, oil, petrol or gas provides energy when burned so we consider them fuel. But as we all know fuel is not man made and it occurs only naturally so its judicious use is much more needed not for today but for future generation too. We do not need fuel only to run our vehicles only but it needs to run our life and better environment too. Fuel shortages keep occurring in the world from time to time. Most countries have to import fuel to meet their needs.

Fossil fuels like coal and oil and gas are nonrenewable resources. In other words, increasing usage depletes their presence within the earth. So there will come a time when they will no longer be available. The answer is to develop alternative and renewable sources or to use our natural resources judiciously. In spite of the development of non-conventional energy resources, the general populace is still apprehensive about their use along with natural oil and gas, chiefly because of their low energy value and inconvenience in using them.

We should Save Fuel for Better Environment and Health. Now how saving fuel can leads to a better environment and health well here is the answer. Industrialization, machinery and faster modes of transport have become a way of life and symbols of prosperity. They use a whole lot of oil and gas every day however we are so keenly bent on development that we have closed our eyes to the larger picture that development has no meaning without support from naturalreserves and thus they have to undergo a sustainable development and not one at the cost of each other.

Our environment is being affected due to combustion of fuels by the automotive. The automobiles run on petrol or diesel, the automotive burn the fuels to run the automobiles .The burned fuels are released into the environment, this released smoke or burned fuels are depleting the Ozone layer of the earth. Due to the depletion of Ozone layer, Greenhouse effect is taking place and the earth is getting heated up and burning from inside. These all are affecting our health badly. At the same time though it is also bad for the environment and the more petrol we use the more emissions we create. It is high time that humanity was off of fossil fuels and use alternative sources of it. To have a great impact on our health and the environment isn’t an easy task. But if we are motivated and really want to adjust our lifestyle in order to develop positive habits, and to do our part to change the negative trends against the environment and save Fuel deposit, this is a must. Saving fuel for the future is therefore an urgent necessity

Answered by Noah11



Fuel is one of the precious things we need in our everyday lives, Several fossil fuels like Coal, petroleum and wood  are extremely essential for our day to day activities, some fossil fuels, as we know only found in selected countries and to have access to those fuels many countries are spending billion dollars, but are still lacking the amounts to be considered in perpetual use, I must say that most of our future generations will have to live without these fuels if we use the fossil fuels in high amount. To keep the environment stable for Humans, we have to understand how fuels can be saved and must bring awareness towards the people of our society. Some fuels like petroleum and coal take millions of years to develop, even after we know it, we are misusing it, If we can save the fossil fuels from complete exhaustion, we could live in a better environment, but there are some fuels like petrol and diesel which causes pollution thus, making the air unsafe for humans to inhale, even though these are Important for human transport bet we must limit the usage of these fuels, Scientists are creating vehicles which do not need any petrol or diesel to run, or there are some easy measures to follow until the scientists are working on battery vehicles: Turning the engine off while waiting on traffic, Try to follow the given speed limit in the particular roads, these measures save fuels as well as life so everyone must implement it, I want to mention more easy measures which we can easily Implement: Turning off the gas stove in time, Cooking without high heat might also save some nutrients, Unnecesary use of fuels may also lead to unwanted combustion in the atmosphere and may give a huge amount of property loss, In India the fuels are used to create unwanted firecrackers which are not really necessary for us and can definetly cause high level of pollution in the city, The national capital Delhi has also experience the crisis of pure air. Thus the government there banned the firecrackers.  Some of the awareness campaigns are Running in the cities of India associated with PCRA( petrol conservation research association). Industries also play a big role in exhausting the fuels, and they use a high amount of various fossil fuels thus becoming a bane for the environment and the human race. Nowadays the lack of fuel is in almost every country, We all have to aware about this situation, and only together we can bring a change to our society, and let the people understand the value of fuels for the mankind and earth.

Hope it helps you!

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