essay on save lives
The world has turned selfish when we started giving extra importance to the money.
How many of us know that life is more expensive than the money? We frequently come across the situation when we notice another life fading because of the helplessness. Whether it is a bird, an animal or a human being, we must understand the importance of saving life.
Life is precious. It is an amazing phenomenon that has made this planet one-of-a-kind in the entire galaxy (at least so far as our knowledge goes at present). Abortion is strongly criticized by those with strong religious beliefs as they believe that life is a blessing from God. Any attempt to destroy or modify a life is seen as meddling with the powers of the Almighty. As an advocate of pro-life, such arguments are strengthened by stating that a life begins at conception, which I also believe to be true. Hence abortion is tantamount to homicide. All Pro-life advocates also believe that given forth the argument that the widespread acceptance of abortion may help it to be used as a form of contraception. Also, pointing to the medical complications and post abortion syndrome associated with an abortion. It is my strong belief that a women who demands complete control