English, asked by DashingMunda, 1 year ago

essay on save water ​


Answered by Anonymous


Water is a life” Not only the human being but also for the entire ecosystem water is precious. We all depend on water for many purposes. Water is transparent but it takes the shape of anything when we put it, it’s a pure thing.71 percent of the land is covered by the water on the earth. In which 97 percent of the water is covered by the ocean and only 3 percent of water is in use for drinking and many purposes.


The source of the water is in the form of the lakes, rivers, ponds, wells, etc. On the earth’s surface, there is 71 percent of the land is covered by the water and other 29 percent by the land. In that 71 percent of water, only 3 percent of water is usable which is used by us for many purposes. So it’s not an enough water for such large populated countries. As the population is increasing day by day the consumption of the water is also increased. Nowadays public using the water not in a careful manner. They are careless about it.


Water is life for the human beings as well as for our ecosystem also. Saving water is important for us and for our future generation also. We are dependent on the water for many purposes. Water is the boon for us which granted by God so we should use the water properly. In some areas where the shortage of water is, they know the value of it. Water is precious for us, ”SAVE WATER SAVE LIFE”.

Answered by Anonymous


water is a very important factor in our life as most of our surroundings is filled with water and Earth compromises of about 70% of water comprising the ICy glaciers oceans lakes Ponds and rivers etc.

water is a very important factor as our body also compromises of 75% of water ...and or enzyme reactions need water as a base we need to save water and water is becoming dirty because of bad human habits unclean water is not your should not be used for drinking because it may cause such diseases like typhoid , jaundice etc.

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