Social Sciences, asked by Sakthisri6981, 1 year ago

Essay on save water to save next generation


Answered by Deepmala8
Save Water Essay 7 (1000 words)


As we all know that water gives life to us and other living things on the earth. It is very essential to continue life on the earth and other planets. Without water, we cannot imagine the existence of life on any planet. Earth is the only known planet having water and life till date. So, we should not ignore the importance of water in our life and try our best to save water using every possible means. The earth is covered with around 71% water however with less amount of drinking water. The normal cycle of water balance runs naturally like evaporation and raining. However, the problem is with the saving of safe and drinking on the earth which is available in very less amount. Water conservation is possible with the good habits of the human beings.

Why we should Save Water

In order to know the answer of why we should save water, first we should know the importance of water means how the water is valuable to us in our life. Life is not possible without oxygen, water and food. But most importantly water is most precious in all the three essentials of life. The question is how much pure water we have on the earth.

According to the statistics, it has been estimated that less than 1% of the water on the earth is suitable for drinking. If we estimate the ratio of drinking water and total population of the world, it would be, more than a billion of people all across the world are surviving on 1 gallon of water per day. It has also been estimated that around or more than 3 billion of people would suffer water shortages by 2025.

People have started understanding the value of clean water however not trying completely to save water. Save water is good habit and every one of us should try their best to save water for the continuation of life here. Some years ago, no one was selling water on the shop however time has been changed now a lot and we can see the pure water bottles availability on the shop everywhere. Earlier, people were shocked by seeing water selling on the shop however now, they are ready to buy pure water bottle worth 20 rupees or more for their good health. We can clearly imagine that, in the near future there would be much shortage of clean water all over the world. Below, I have mentioned some facts which let us know that how valuable the clean water is:

Number of people who are getting die because of water related diseases is more than 4 million.
Developing countries are highly suffering from the diseases caused by the dirty water and lack of clean water.
Preparing one day newspaper consumes around 300 liters of water, so other means of news distribution should be promoted.
Every 15 seconds a small child is dieing of water born diseases.
People all across the world had started using bottled water worth $60-$80 billion per year.
People in the rural villages of India, Africa and Asia have to go for long (around 3.7 miles) in order to get drinking water.
People in India highly suffer various water born diseases which cost the economy of India to a great extent.
Ways to Save Water

I have discussed below some nice ways of saving water without any change in the lifestyle. One person of the home consumes around 240 lt of water per day in the household activities. A small nuclear family with four members consumes around 960 lt of water every day and around 350400 Lt per year. Only 3% of the total water consumption is used for drinking and cooking on daily basis and rest of the water usage in other works like watering plants, toilet, bathing, laundry, showering, etc. Some of the water saving tricks are:

Everyone should understand the individual responsibility and try to save water from the daily consumption other than drinking and cooking purposes.
If everyone of us slightly save water from the watering garden, flushing toilet, cleaning purposes, etc, there could be more water saving per day.
We should save rain water for the purposes like toilet flushing, laundry, watering etc.
Answered by SelieVisa


Essay on save water to save next generation

The growing scarcity of water across the world is real and is indeed alarming. It has now become a major problem not only for environmental experts but for mankind everywhere. Fresh water is becoming scarce and metro cities are having problems in supplying water to all residents. Water scarcity can be defined as a situation when people don't have enough water to fulfil their basic needs.

“Save water, save life” means that if we use our water supplies wisely we will be able to preserve life on our planet. Saving water means not wasting water and using the water than we need and keeping the rest of the water clean and unpolluted. Saving or conserving water is important because it prevent the wastage of the precious resource of water so is available for all human beings and other living creatures. It also keeps water pure and clean while protecting the environment. Saving water also saves money. Conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible.

The source of the water is in the form of the lakes, rivers, ponds, wells, etc. On the earth’s surface, there is 71 percent of the land is covered by the water and other 29 percent by the land. In that 71 percent of water, only 3 percent of water is usable which is used by us for many purposes. So there will not be enough water for for everyone as the population is increasing day by day and the consumption of the water is increasing.

Water is one of the most essential necessity of life. But it is becoming an increasing scare resource. Availability of safe quality drinking water is being reduced due to pollution from sewage and industrial waste. So water should be meticulously harnessed and carefully conserved. It should be economically used and safely disposed off after usage.

The need of the hour is sustainable water management, specially in the context of meeting the demands of an increasing population. It also means looking at fresh water as an exhaustible, natural and essential resource and seeing watershed areas as sustainable units of water resource development and management. Simply put, it means managing our finite water resources for present needs while keeping in mind the future requirement of our coming generations.

Considering the importance of water as a life sustaining resource we should launch intensive awareness campaigns for optimum water utilization and management. It reduces the energy required to process and deliver water, which helps in reducing pollution and in conserving fuel resources. Survival without water is impossible. We must always remember that to save all life forms on Earth we must save water. So, water conservation and the prevention of water wastage is vital and we all can do simple things in order to reduce scarcity of water. If we save water now, we are helping to ensure a water availability adequate for today and for the future generations.

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