essay on science a boon or a bane
Science is a double-edged weapon of the modern world. it is a boon as well as a bane. it is so because the changes that it has brought are useful as wee as harmful. it is such an effective tool that it has completely changed the complexion of the world.
Wherever we look, we find science everywhere. Science is a basic element of our life.
Through science we have received many boons . We are able to function and move on smoothly with our life with the help of modern technology as science has contributed immensely in our life. Many majestic theories have been found by many great scientists. All these theories provide us with a reasonable logic in life. Everything in life , we do, is purely based on science.
Science has largely transformed our life. But at the same time, science has brought a lot of obstacles too. With the evolution of new and modern technology, people are getting tempted and distracted and often mess up their life. Children who have barely reached a mature age are already tempted my video games and mobile phones and end up damaging their health.
People must know how to control life and science in a balanced and proportionate way.
So we an conclude that science has both its ups and downs.