English, asked by palak5354, 1 year ago

Essay on science and the future.

(Alteast 300 words ).​


Answered by hardik3171


Science is a systematic and logical study of occurrences, events, happenings etc. Science is the study that logically explains the round shape of earth; it explains the twinkling of stars; why light travels faster than sound; why hawk flies higher than a crow; why the sunflower turns to the sunlight etc. Science doesn’t provide supernatural explanations; rather it gives logical conclusion to every question. Science as a subject is extremely popular with students. It’s indeed an essential subject for aspirants who want to make their career in science and related fields.

Knowledge of science makes people more confident and well aware of their surroundings. One who knows science will not be scared of natural occurrences, knowing their origin and reason. On the other hand science also plays a significant role in technological development of a nation and hence also in removing growth impediments like unemployment and illiteracy.

please mark it as brainliest..

Answered by shabaz1031

Is there really any other option? And lastly, will those who embrace the concept of a scientific future be the only ones to succeed? With no further ado I shall dive right into the first topic. Should we as human beings growing up in an ever changing society embrace and accept the future world of science? Even now in 2012 we use science and technology on an everyday basis. We go on Facebook, we text our friends, we watch TV. Now, why do we do all this? Because it’s fun? So we can communicate with our friends? Whilst these are both true I think the main reason, is simply so we can fit in with our peers. It is common knowledge that the outcast never succeeds and how could they? If you’re going for a job interview and the interviewer asks for your phone number and you tell them you don’t own a phone. What are they going to think? Would they hire you over someone else with the same qualifications who does own a phone? What I’m trying to say is, if one doesn’t embrace technology in this day and age, they are putting themselves at a disadvantage to the billions of other people out there who use all that science has to offer on a daily basis. An example of this can be seen in the film ‘Gattaca’ where a young man named Vincent takes on the persona of a genetically blessed man so as to achieve his goals in life

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