essay on science boon or ban
Shakespeare has said that there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. There have been many scientific researches and discoveries which have unfortunately been hijacked to harmful destructive paths. It is reported that about half a million scientists are now employed on weapon research throughout the world. The huge amount of money spent on these dangerous researches fan exceeds the amount of money being spent on developing technologies for new energy resources, improving human health, raising agricultural productivity, controlling pollution etc. We are in the age of science and technology. Man cannot live without the aid of science. Science has so much engulfed our lives that nothing can take place in our day to day work without the help of science. Our food, transport, learning, administration, recreation and social life are all linked with science in various ways.
To answer the question whether science has come to mankind as a boon or as a use for ruin (bane), one should know what science exactly means. Science is said to be a systematic classification of experiences. We, men wonder at the various things and events happening around us. We get doubts; what are they? These questions are the basic seeds for science. Then starts the thinking, reasoning, analysis, synthesis, comparison and contrast and finally the truth emerges. Man feels more safe, secure, comfortable and important. Today than ever before, because of scientific development and advancement The day is not far off when we shall have colonies on the moon and the planets. Science has achieved much, and promises to achieve still more and more in the years to come. Science has tamed forces of nature, conquered space and time, eradicated may fatal diseases, given us food, clothing etc., and enough to spare. Now there are no more famines, epidemics and pestilences. Science has even pushed further the threats of death and increased the average longevity of man. The basic aim of Science is to look for reality and to find those factors, formally uncommon. A scientist cannot accept the principles, usually because; they were accepted by others formerly. Great discoveries are always coming from reasoning. A lot of determination and observation are required. Civilization, as it is today, also came from numerous discoveries that were made in the field of Science.
Electricity is a main source of energy has revolutionized the Earth. Science has made medical field enough advanced that today the average life of a human being has raised to 90 years. Science also worked for plant life as well and now we have enough food for all.
We have enough clothing and better security too. This all became possible due to science and technology. Computers, Cell phones, TV and Radios are all products of Science. So, it is very easy to conclude that Science is beneficial for mankind.
There is also another side of the coin. Destructive weapons like guns, rifles, atom bombs etc. are also came from Science. It is science that gave us different types of power like electric power and nuclear power. If all these powers and weapons are not used in a negative way, there is nothing to fear. But, unfortunately these all powers are destructing our Earth. Can anyone think that there are no chances of such horrible destruction of an Iraq again? If it happens, how can be science beneficial for mankind?
Man is a logical being. It is possible for everyone to save himself from the odds. Only through this way, he can win and control everyone on the globe. Only wisdom can help a man to conquer the World. Science without conscience is death of the soul The misuse of science has ushered in our life many undesirable elements. There has been erosion in man’s faith in Sod and religion. Morality and ethics have been marginalized and materialism has increased unprecedented. Rapid, unplanned and indiscriminate industrialization has resulted in pollution on a vast scale. No doubt, science and technology has taken giant strides in recent times, but it has dehumanized human life in the same proportion.
Human values have been pushed in the background and man has become more selfish, cruel, sensual, violent and destructive. There is no more simple living and high thinking. But let us hope that ultimately sanity prevails and science is used more and more for the benefit of mankind. It depends solely upon man himself how he uses science and its discoveries and researches. Science as knowledge and power is neither savior nor destroyer.