English, asked by STINKINGSLUG, 1 year ago

essay on self defense by the synopsis of
1) introduction
2) what is self defense
3) different types of self defense
4) why it is important
5) conclusion

please answer for BRAINLIEST answer​


Answered by Nikhil0204


The right of self-defense (also called, when it applies to the defense of another, alter ego defense, defense of others, defense of a third person) is the right for people to use reasonable force or defensive force, for the purpose of defending one's own life (self-defense) or the lives of others, including –in certain circumstances– the use of deadly force.If a defendant uses defensive force because of a threat of deadly or grievous harm by the other person, or a reasonable perception of such harm, the defendant is said to have a "perfect self-defense" justification. If defendant uses defensive force because of such a perception, and the perception is not reasonable, the defendant may have an "imperfect self-defense" as an excuse.

Rape, molestation, kidnapping and murder are the most common forms of crime against women in India. The women in India are also vulnerable to acid attacks and eve-teasing. The mindset of the people, including the victim and the spectator, is to ignore and just let it go. But, what we, as the responsible citizens of an independent country, fail to realise is that these instances of harassment can flare up into other bigger heinous crimes against women. And that is when the importance of learning self-defence techniques for women is felt.Various studies have shown that the criminals tend to choose their targets when they (the potential victim) are unaware of the surroundings. Hence, it is time that each woman became vigilant and totally aware of the surroundings.

Various studies have shown that the criminals tend to choose their targets when they (the potential victim) are unaware of the surroundings. Hence, it is time that each woman became vigilant and totally aware of the surroundings.The women should be aware of the strategies to be adopted under different adverse circumstances. For example, if you’re alone at home during such an attack, you should hurriedly run to kitchen to find chili powder and knives to use them as weapons.



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