English, asked by parinapanda, 8 months ago

Essay on separation Anxiety in your own words


Answered by shreyasp127

MoreSeparation Anxiety Disorder

Have you ever been attached to something? Have you ever felt that your life couldn’t continue without this object? Separation anxiety is very common, statistic show that at least thirty three percent of the population has had this disorder. This disorder is the simple fear of being separated from something or someone. Generally the subject with the disorder will view separation as detrimental to they’re well-being. Caregivers, stuff animals, money, cell phones are examples of objects many people have separation anxiety towards. Separation anxiety is very common in infants and children.

Infants one to eight months of age often show signs of anxiety when approached. An unknown person can often induce the infant into …show more content…

It may cause from a simple change in a schedules, to the death of a person. Changes in environment typically cause separation anxiety. A change to a new house may make a person feeling lonely and fearful of change causing them to cling to something that hasn’t changed or is till with them. Typical someone with SAD will cling to a family member. The change to a new school may cause the student to perform poorly due to them missing their friends or comfortable routines. Moving to a new city or country can also cause SAD. Large about of stress can cause Separation anxiety. For example when teen often face large amounts of stress they tend to want to be home and sleep.

hope so it helps u follow me and Mark me as brilliant and thank my answers

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