essay on social activity
As college students, we spend most of our time in the books. Whether we are in class, taking notes, or preparing for an up upcoming exam, these are things that we normally do as students because it is our duty. But it's also important to make time for a social life and here are five reasons to back that up!
1. It provides a balance
Your future career will be your livelihood, so doing well in school will always be a priority. But it is also important to take a break from doing work and have a night fulfilled with fun and making memories. Having a social life does not mean that you have to neglect your academics. It is a matter of knowing how to balance both.
2. Forms good relationships
Meeting new people is a part of life. Every person that you encounter, serves a purpose in your life. Whether you know what that purpose is or not, it really does not matter. You meet them for a reason. Since being in college, I have formed life-long friendships and professional relationships with my professors. By forming this great bonds with people it is preparing for the work force of the "real world" where am going to begin my career.
3. Expands your brand
For the the field of communications specifically, your name is your brand and your brand is everything. It is what separates you from everyone else. When building your brand, remember to educate yourself on how you can be your most marketable self. By having a social life you are already prepared. Since your life has balance, and you have formed good relationships these social skills can bleed into the professional world. By this time you will be a pro, because of your experience.
4. Connects you to humanity (social awareness)
Being socially aware will set you apart from everyone else. When I was filling out college applications a few years ago, the university requirements were not solely based on academics. Colleges wanted to know if overall, you were a well-rounded individual. Of course they asked for your transcript, and ACT score but they also wanted to know about your social life. Many applications asked about extra curricular activities and community service. They wanted to know if you were involved and if so, in what ways. One of my high school teachers always posed the question of "what will set you apart?", "how are you different?". She said when choosing between a student will all A's and no other activity vs. a student with A's and B's who is socially aware. They will choose the student with A's and B's who is socially aware because that student went the extra mile, and seems to connect with people.
5. Broaden your horizons
Having a social life increase your knowledge and helps you become more worldly. Traveling, dining and exploring other cultures with family or friends helps you think and learn more about yourself and others. By seeing other cultures or religions that are not your norm it broaden your horizons.
Hope it's helpful to you ☺️