Social Sciences, asked by Sushma, 1 year ago

essay on social prblms in india​


Answered by nehasrivid

1. Economic Factors:

These problems arise due to imbalance in economic distribution such as poverty, unemployment, etc.

2. Cultural Factors:

Problems that arise from established beliefs, values, traditions, laws, and languages of a nation or society fall under this category such as dowry, child marriage, juvenile delinquency, etc.

3. Biological Factors:

The problems that arise due to natural calamities, infectious diseases, famine, etc.

4. Psychological factors:

Problems that arise from ill mental and neurological health fall under this category.

Case (1964) has enumerated four types of social problems on the basis of their origin:

(i) Problems that are rooted in some aspect of the physical environment.

(ii) Problems that are inherent in the nature or distribution of the population involved.

(iii) Problems that result from poor social organisation.

(iv) Problems that evolve from a conflict of cultural values within the society.

Fuller and Myers have enlisted three types of problems:

(i) Physical Problems:

Though these are problems for the society, but their causes are not based on value conflicts, for example, floods and famines;

(ii) Ameliorative Problems:

There is consensus about the effects of these problems but there are differences pertaining to their solutions, for example, crime, poverty, and AIDS; and

(iii) Moral Problems:

There is no consensus pertaining to the nature or causes of these problems, for example, gambling, alcoholism, drug abuse, and divorce.

Answered by Palwinderkaur7709


India emerged as an independent nation-state on 15th August 1947, after a long struggle against the British colonial yoke. The country is a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic with a parliamentary system of government. Though India has shown tremendous growth in all spheres of national life in the years after independence, yet many problems plague the everyday social life; the problems, many a time, are interrelated.

Poverty, Population, Pollution, Illiteracy, Corruption, Inequality, Gender discrimination, Terrorism, Communalism, Lack of Infrastructure, Unemployment, Regionalism, Casteism, Alcoholism, Drugs Abuse, Violence against Women are the major ones.


Hope this help u

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