English, asked by uiiwow9470, 10 months ago

Essay on sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can


Answered by diptishetty


Your success and happiness are directly related to the achievement of the goal you have chosen. After selecting the goal, you must send the right signals to your unconscious mind. You must avoid thoughts of fear, worry and failure. If you have faith, nothing shall be impossible for you. Believe in the power of thought to change things. Banish all self-doubt, resentment, guilt, worry and you will find strength, vitality, joy and success come rushing in and literally flooding you with superb achievements. Changing patterns of thought may appear somewhat difficult in the beginning but it can be done, practised and developed. If you change your setting, you can usually change your mood. Why does a person feel that he cannot accomplish a task or solve a problem which confronts him? It is not due to lack of intelligence or education. It is because he lacks interest and is not motivated enough. Therefore, he readily falls prey to inertia, self-doubt and worry. “Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.” If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all the thoughts are drained. Worry affects the blood circulation, the heart, the glands, and the whole nervous system. Carrying a load of anger around with you also wastes your energy.

These negative qualities set up definite road-blocks in our mind, psychic obstacles that limit or paralyse our problem-solving ability. Ideas rule the world and thoughts rule your life. It is your mind which moulds your destiny. If you probe in depth, you will find that the so called mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts. Emerson, the great thinker and writer said, “Life consists in what a man is thinking of all day.” If you think success, you create a climate in which success is probable. If you think failure, you set the stage for it. If you lapse do not collapse. To prevent collapse treat each lapse as a temporary problem. Do not create a catastrophe out of a single mistake. Failure is necessary for learning. You can and must benefit from your mistakes. The people who eventually succeed, keep at it until they find a plan that works for them. Whatever the real problem, if one gets convinced that he or she cannot cope with it, then they will not be able to solve it. In such situations we should remind ourselves that success springs from the mind, that success is shaped by thoughts.

Sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. You can will your way to victory. The Gospel says: “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee withers ever thou goest.” These words have put new faith, new courage and new confidence in many to intensify their efforts and achieve phenomenal success. We congratulate the candidates who have cleared the Civil Services Examination 2017, the result of which was declared on April 27, 2018. It has been our constant endeavour at CSR to provide our readers with career guidance and advice.

Shortly, a new session will start and you, our readers will embark upon a career of your choice. In this issue, we also carry the CSR-GHRDC Law School Survey 2018. This objective survey will help you zero on the best institutes to study Law, an attractive career choice. Thinking and working ceaselessly for your success,

please mark brainlist ❤

Answered by jyotshna9753


hope it helps you follow me mark as a brainlist please

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