English, asked by warepamkornilia, 11 months ago

essay on students and social service​


Answered by Blaezii

         Students and Social Service

Introduction: The home and the educational institution of a student are the places where he imbibes the spirit of social-service. Now, social service is considered an important part of the school activities.

Significance of social life: Man is a social being. Man lives in society, depending on mutual cooperation. This cooperation helps him to tide over the misfortunes that overtake him off and on.

So, every man considers it his sacred duty to stand by his fellow men in their distress. Thus, man learns to serve his fellow men in his formative period i.e. when he is engaged in his studies. So, a student life is the most appropriate time for social service.

Students individually or in a group can alleviate the sufferings of the distressed.

If a student helps a blind man cross a road it is a service done to humanity.

A group of students can render service to people ravaged by flood, cyclone, famine and earthquake.

Students are the enlightened people. So, they can remove superstition, blind faith, ignorance of the illiterate.

They can help the nation in the removal of illiteracy.

Students can teach them to take health care.

They can take active part in the national scheme of afforestation.

They can look to the sanitation of their own area.

The students may have a role to play in awakening public opinion against social evils like drug addiction, casteism, dowry system, by taking out procession or organizing seminars.

They can nurse the sick, donate blood, and hospitalize them in time of need. In any kind of accident students can render considerable help.

Answered by MahakChoudhary

Man is social by nature. He wishes to live in a society that is healthy. To serve that society and to better its condition is the greatest wish of man. The student of today is the citizen of tomorrow. He is in the making. He should, therefore be given a chance to serve and better the society in which he lives.

In an Indian village there is a great field for social service. Gandhiji has set a very good example in Champaran. Students should go to villages and render social service there. This will be useful both for villages as well as for the students.

Students have only bookish knowledge. They must go to a neighbouring village. This will bring them in practical life. They will get a chance to tackle problems themselves. They will be required to employ their energy, mind and heart. This will develop in them the habit of thinking and working. They will get a chance to enjoy open air and to come close to villagers. They will know that, though uneducated, villagers are not wholly bad. By coming in contact with nature. their outlook will be widened.

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