COVD -19 250 WORDS .
- hi iam tamil youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
This time, I want you to write a reflection with a particular focus: the current COVID pandemic. The goal of this reflection is the same, but now more than ever we are laser-focused on data in our day to day lives. Is 6 feet of distance needed when we are outside? What about if we are in a closed room for an extended period of time – is any distance safe then? When will Nebraska hit the infection peak? When can we mingle in public again? When can I start giving high-fives to strangers on the street? All of these questions require data to answer, and that data comes in many forms with huge variation in corresponding confidence intervals. A deep reflection on the use and understanding of data in society is needed more than ever in the current moment.
hope it helps you