English, asked by saakshi2611, 1 year ago

essay on teenagers should be given freedom ​


Answered by agrima2007

                         Teenagers should be allowed more freedom              


Teenage is a phase when various external stimuli present in the environment around us influence the young minds. So it is very important for parents to guide them and make them understand the difference between right and wrong. Many a times, this understanding yet strict coordination goes missing and that’s when these young souls choose the wrong path. Today issues like drug abuse, theft, rash and disrespectful behaviour towards others, specs of violent behavioural phases, skipping classes and school, a demanding and selfish attitude, a disregard for rules, responsibilities and family functioning, lack of attention towards studies are only some out of the long list. The only way out is to explain the meaning of freedom to our younger generations.

A teenager’s mind is receptive. It accepts whatever it observes in the environment. Everything gets imprinted in their overactive minds and when it comes to peer pressure, then that acts as a very positive force. Teenagers choose friends with similar values and tastes. Parents must also retain their influence over their child's life. Monitoring is necessary to give them the message that an increase in privileges comes with an increase in responsibilities.

When you set limits for your teenager it is to keep a track of his social life. They might grumble most of the time and believe that their parents don’t trust them. But parents must explain why it is important and must show them that they trust them. It is important that parents stay involved and connected. Listening and talking to the children is important and also answering their questions. Knowing their friends, their school or college experiences and their world at large helps parents to bond with their children. If this is done, teenagers will feel at ease to share what’s going on in their minds and take guidance accordingly. This is how one earns their trust.

Nowadays, the open access to information on television, through the Internet has made the job of parents more complex. The key is to balance freedom and discipline. How? By allowing the teens to have their own private space away from the continuous scrutiny and criticism of adults and by seeing to it that they can do what they want as long as it doesn’t involve any serious consequences.

Experience influences our decisions. It helps in becoming a functioning independent adult. If you allow your child to decide what to wear when he’s 5, whether or not to join a dance/guitar class when he’s 8 and when to do chores when he’s 11, you train him to make responsible decisions when he’s 15 and above. Freedom teaches a teen to take care of himself and boosts self-confidence. But how much freedom must be granted is where parents need to use their wisdom.

plz mark it as brainliest

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