English, asked by MASOMAB, 3 months ago

essay on the first time you met one of your friends


Answered by Anonymous


it was around five years back that I met her. I had changed my school and went to join a new one. I was the late admission student. The first day I went to my classroom and saw that all the benches are full except for the last bench where one sit was open.

I went and sat there. Our class teacher came and after he saw me sitting in the last bench, made me get up and sit beside two other students in a bench that was too small for three students to sit. I didn’t want to sit there and neither the occupants of that bench wanted me to sit there.

But sir made me sit there. I could feel that they don’t want me there and they could feel that I didn’t want to sit there. But we weren’t given a choice in that matter.

The student beside whom I sat that day is my best friend now. That time we both mutually disliked each other and didn’t want to sit beside each other at any cost. So, after sir left I immediately changed my sit and went back to the last bench.

The next day, I went really early so that I can sit somewhere I like and can possibly make new friend and it did happen. I made a new friend and we became bench buddies. The bench that I chose to sit on happened to be the bench just before the bench in which she sat on.

Days passed and neither of us became friends or talk with each other. But both of us wanted one common thing and that is none of us wanted the other to sit anywhere else other than our respected benches because none of us liked the other girls in our class much other than our respective friend slash bench mates and boys was out of the question.

So, whichever of us went first, always kept the sit on the other bench so that no one can sit there except us. That is how we started talking.

After we started talking, we still didn’t hit it off. We still weren’t anything more than class mates but at least we were talking normally. But if we were given the chance, we wouldn’t even talk with the other willingly.

Then there were days when both of our partner’s were absent and during that time we used to sit by each other and that is something we chose to do. During that time we actually got interested in talking with each other and would talk with each other willingly.

Then came the time where we had to do a project and none of us had any idea how to do it. So, all of us were asking the other about it and the four of us decided that we will do the project together in her house. After I found out her address, I realised that she lives three minutes away from my house.

As I moved there that year only, none of us knew about each other. During that project only we hit it off and became friends. It was convenient for both of us as we are literally three minutes away from each other.

Then the winter came. Beside her house there was a small park and I used to visit that park frequently. During winter, we decided to play badminton with each other in that park. After our matches were over, we used to stay there till evening and used to talk about each other.

That is how we both bonded alone. After our talks, both of us realised that we are not that different from each other. There is a phrase that I remembered which was – same pole repel each other and at that particular winter, I realised that this is true not only for magnets but also in real life

hope it's helpful to

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