English, asked by varun1230, 1 year ago

essay on the importance of good altitude


Answered by Anonymous
A Quote:  ‘Attitude decides the Altitude.’ An attitude transplant is required to fill your blood with the chemicals of bliss to soar on your positive attitude. A positive attitude takes you to higher altitudes. If the climate inside you is positive, it radiates all around you.

Introspection: In a world characterized byupheavals, crisis, disappointments, depression and dejection, there is a need for every individual that wants to live, have fun and ultimately take the rightful place in destiny to be self-motivated and self-encouraged. This is because I have come to realize that to cross over from “mourning” to “morning”, it takes “U”, letter that distinguishes the two homophonic words in the English language. Whenever you are faced with any challenges in life, buck ultimately stops with you.


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