Essay on the most memorable day in my life with my friends
hello friend
the most memorable day in my life with my friends was the last day of my school life.
i remember all the things which we did on last day that is on 30th march 2019 . that day there was our physical educ. paper and timings to go to exam hall was 10am but we reach early at 8 am . we all gather at one place and talking to each other in a group.
then we went to exam hall and came at 1pm and then while coming from exam hall nearby there was a palace and we all went there and start dancing and eating . we spend only an. hour there. and then we went to see movie. there we enjoyed so much . we did gossips and then we all are having markers we all write with markers on school dress.
then when its time to leave and to say goodbye. we all specially me (as i studied in that scholl from nursery to 12th ) start crying(╯︵╰,).
lb my school and my lovely friends and our class