English, asked by yuvichl2827, 1 year ago

Essay on the present system of examination easily 10 points


Answered by cool420

Examinations, like a surgeon’s knife, are necessary evil.  Nobody can do without the examination.  In fact, life itself is a continuous examination.  We are taking tests  at all stages of our life.  The present system of examination in our educational set up was devised by the British.  They wanted to produce clerks who would help them in their day to day administration.  Things have changed completely with the advent of freedom.  The aims of education have changed.  The system of examination also, therefore, must change.

                The prevailing system of examination is everywhere an object of criticism.  It suffers from a large number of drawbacks and requires complete overhauling.  It has failed to deliver the goods. 

                The System of examinations is not the real test of the student’s ability.  It does not ensure accurate results in judging the real worth of an examinee.  It is rather a game of chance.  The mood and whims of examiners count more than any rules or regulations.  The standard of marking varies from examiners to examiner and even with the same examiner at different times.  Again, the ability and worth of a student cannot be judged through a three-hour test.

Answered by loxia

Examinations are conducted in order to test the knowledge skills. In order to be examined a student study for the whole year to obtain a degree. However, today due to the menace of copying examination system has become a farce. Students who are dull manage to score high by unethical means. Further, the examination today stresses more upon cramming. Also, today many question papers get leaked which leads to dishonesty among the hard worker. The introduction of grading system has hindered the talent of an academic achiever.

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