essay on The Russian revolution 200 words
“There is a conspiracy theory that revolution happened due to the fact that Russian Emperor planned to defeat Turkey in 1917 (in a frame of ongoing World War I) as he told his Entente allies during Petrograd conference in the beginning of February 1917.
It seems that main trigger was planned Spring offencive of 1917 or Russian army on the Western front, amphibious asault of Bosphorus also planned for March 1917, and renewal of offensive into mainland Turkey was also planned to be held in Spring 1917 (after critically successfull Erzurum Offensive, Trabzon offensive and operation at lake Van in 1916).
All the interested parties i.e. local revolutioneers and conspirators, German supported agents, Britain supported agents, US supported agents and France supported agents were really worried, since even if only one of three ofensives would be successfull there would be no hope for the revolution due to raise of patriotism. And, worse of all, Russian Empire would capture their main objectives for this war (Istanbul, Bosphorus and Dardanelle) while France and Britain would have to go on fighting Germans.
Then the military coup happened in the beginning of March (locals conspirators), followed by mass murders of Baltic fleet officers part of whom were local conspirators (Britain supported agents), seizure of power byProvisional Government (France supported agents), Order #1 of the Petrograd Soviet (Germany and US supported agents) aimed to destruction of the army,then Lenin and his Bolshevik colleagues returned and April crisis happened - German agents wanted to sign sepate peace treaty, French and British - wanted to realize those three offensives planned by the Emperor, then Western offensiveproved to be unsuccessfull, Caucasus army and Black sea Navy actions were paralized by Order #1 results, then Lenin and Bolsheviks tried to wrestle power out of Provisional government for the first time, then French agents tried to push German agents out of Petrograd, then British, US and German agents led by Lenin, Trotsky and Bolsheviks tried to wrestle power from the Provisional government for the second time - this time successfully.”