English, asked by ostwalbhoomi, 9 months ago

Essay on the topic: Commit to sustainable celebrations (By being eco-warrier)…..300 words


Answered by Vamprixussa

Ello user !!!!!!!

Here is your answer,



“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” “Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else.” “There is no such thing as 'away'. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.”

It is important to take action for yourself when it comes to the planet we live on. Nobody can save your planet besides us. We should not just sit back and ignore the dangers of climate change, everyone can individually do their part against global warming.

It may seem like we have an endless supply of natural resources but if we don’t conserve them, we will run out. Places in Africa are currently running so low on water that they need to limit their usage. We take it for granted because we believe it is endless, but we should be stingy with it.

This goes hand in hand with the notion that one ever knows what they truly had until it’s gone.  Some people think that money is the solution to everything but when it comes to natural resources if we destroy them they won’t come back and money won’t bring them back.

Try and use recycled products to really make that extra effort to have an impact on saving the environment. There are even companies that are making products solely out of recycled materials. This is a great way to promote sustainability.

It is our mission to keep this Earth safe for future generations to come. We must pay attention to where our waste is going and try to reuse as much as possible. Being sustainable goes a long way and says you money in the long run. Recycling should not be  something we do temporarily but should be a lifestyle for us all.




Answered by bestwriters


One should always support the growth and development of the environment. Not only humans but plants and animals are also one of the important part of the environment. The sustainable development​ are required to attain some of the goals in future. Thus, one need to grow with the environment. The need of sustainable development​ is given below:

  • Reducing the depletion of natural resources.
  • Developing projects that are eco-friendly without causing more harm to natural resources.
  • Eradicating poverty across the world.
  • Promoting well-being of all the animals, plants and human beings.
  • Providing clean water, sanitation, clean energy and good education.
  • Achieving gender equality.
  • Incubating innovation and supporting sustainable industrialization.
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