English, asked by studentnick, 7 months ago

Essay on the topic "What is creativity?" please provide good and humourous essay on the above topic...​


Answered by Anonymous

<p style="color:chartreuse;font-family:cursive;background :black;font-size:25px;">Creativity is a unique characteristic of the human race. Of all the creatures roaming this planet, only humans have the ability of abstract thinking and creativity. Our history is the history of human creativity and innovations. From the first steps that Homo sapiens took on Europe, the weapons they created to hunt for food and fend off dangers, to the pendants that they crafted to indicate statues and the amazing petroglyphs found in France (Vallée des Merveilles), Greece (Irakleia – Cyclades), Italy (Bagnolo stele) and Spain (Galicia). Creativity and innovation are what created the pyramids in Egypt, Stonehenge in the UK and the megalithic monuments in Marta. Innovation is what armed the Greeks in Thermopylae and gave them a tactical advantage against an army ten times their own, and again in Salamis and Plataea. Creativity is what build the Parthenon and guided the arm of Phidias to sculpt some of the most important everlasting sculptures this world has ever seen. Our “modern” age starts with the industrial revolution that took place in the UK in 1750. Few very creative very innovative people started shaping the world to what it is now. Brunel, Watt and Maudslay; their dreams and creations can still be seen in the city we live in. The British Empire and the establishment of the first form of international trade and together with it the first multinational corporations like the Dutch East India Company that helped create the first global economic ideas and theories, as theses were described by Adam Smith in his book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). And then to the 19th century of the two world wars, but also of Dali, Picasso, Matisse and Einstein, Plank, Bohr and Heisenberg. Our history, the human existence on this planet, is a hymn to creativity, innovation and survival (Association, 2008).Greeks of Alexander the Great started spreading on most of the known world, and after them the romans and the mighty legions established the first superpower and Rome as the first mega city and all these started from few creative people that envisioned and created new ideas, new technologies and methods, new innovations (Association, 2008). Innovations, that paved the way, after hundreds of years of darkness, the dark ages, for the Renaissance and the age of Creativity; Michelangelo, Rafael, the great Leonardo Da Vinci as well as Copernicus, Galileo Galilei and Gutenberg. The human race’s intellectual revolution, all based on creativity and innovations.Creativity plays a very important role in the improvement of our society and of our living standard. New innovations make our lives easier, allow us to do things that we could not do before, as well as create workplaces and bust the economy (Bennett, 2006). Everywhere we look creativity and innovations is there; from an art gallery displaying Van Gogh’s masterpieces, to our mobile phones that provide us with information and functionality that previous generations could only dream of, to the way we shop using the internet and the new digital economy we live it. I, and the majority of people in the western world, can, from the comfort of my home, “stream” my favour movie and watch it on my smart TV any time I want, order a pizza online byOur modern society, has recognised the importance of creativity and continuous innovation, and improvement, and has adapted both its educational and business systems to encourage it, incubate it and reword it (Burleson, 2005). Schools promote creativity and some even go as far as trying to teach pupils how to be creative. However, creativity is not something you can force on someone. Creativity is the result of a number of conditions that have to be met, with the primary being freedom. Freedom to speak, freedom to write, freedom to think and express yourself as you like, and freedom to choose what to do, what to create.

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