English, asked by mamanasar3ock, 1 year ago

Essay on there is no place for spirituality in practical and logical world


Answered by Fatimakincsem
Since the 18th Century Industrial Revolution, there has been a consistent movement in western philosophy, towards realism, logic and non-spirituality. While not necessarily atheism, the notion has been to move towards a world where there is less dogma and more argument and reason.

Many point out that the origins of this thought are based in 15th Century European Renaissance, while earlier philiosphical work by Muslim scholars in 10th and 11th Century also had a great impact on reason and logic.

In today's world, where many of the old superstitious beliefs have been proven wrong by science, it is high time that societies such those of India's move on from centuries old traditions which have no basis in religion and  are only a culmination of traditions, cultures, stories with vague origins.

In a modern world, these things do not add any value to life, and are only good as story books, novels and sci-fi movies and nothing more.

In the real world, these things keep you back from the things that really matter in life!
Answered by upenderjoshi28
                                     Spirituality Versus Practicality

According to Denis Waitley, “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” It is unequivocally true that spirituality is the nectar of life. All wise sages and prophets such as Buddha, Jesus, Guru Nanak, Kabir, Rumi, Mahavir, etc. that are revered by mankind have emphasized on giving due heed to spirituality for a happy, meaningful, and fruitful life.

However, the current humankind has gone astray and is least bothered about spirituality. Mammon appears to be its god. People are impelled to live only for monetary gains. Everyone is just parochially living to secure a career for himself. Even values such as honesty, integrity, fellow-feeling, morals and ethics, righteousness, etc are sacrificed at the altar of Mammon. And people have cunningly dubbed this money-mindedness as being practical logical.

No wonder this denial of the importance of spirituality has landed the entire humankind in such a hell of all-round disorder, anguish, restlessness! In spite of having everything man appears to be dissatisfied! The monsters of pollution, terrorism, impending Third World War, colossal nuclear holocaust, etc. are looming large on the future of mankind. This insecurity of the future of mankind has direct relation to his ignoring the sacredness of spiritual side of life.

Man must mend his ways before the final annihilation obliterates his stubborn existence from the face of this planet. Spirituality is supreme; the rest is subservient to it. Man must learn it. the sooner he does, the better.

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