essay on to be grown up is a state of mind
Growing up is a part of life. We grow all the time. We’re born as tiny little infants, and then slowly but surely our bodies grow physically and our minds grow mentally.
We learn new things everyday and gain from the different experiences that we go through. All these learning experiences that we endure, boost our maturity level and this results in what we call ‘growing up.’ But the process of ‘growing up’ is different for every individual. The sense of maturity that we gain results from the environment that we live in and the challenges we have to undergo, and since we are all different human beings, our lives our completely different from one another’s.
To be grown up is a state of mind.
We are all born as tiny little toddlers and as we all grow we become strong, both physically and mentally. But do we ever realised what is growing up?
Yes, this question you must have listen for once in your life as a taunt, suggestion, scolding whatever, but do you ever realise what this phrase means, what does growing up means, what type of growth we are talking about?
The answer is present in the question itself.
Grown up means growing up by our minds, and yes we can say that it is a state which everyone does not achieve. It is a state of mind that one can achieve at an early age or late in their lives because it s not dependent on age.
When we grow up mentally, we began to think distinctly, we are clear in our heads, what we want to achieve and what we want from our life.
A developed and grown up mind reflects our positive thoughts, positive achievements and it distinguishes between the right and the wrong.
A grown up mind is satisfied and contented, it does not harm others. It is socially and emotionally stable.
So, it can be rightly said the Growing up is a state of mind.