Essay on tolerance in india [80-100 words]...
In India the tolerance level varies from person to person, some people accept the things which do not happen the way they want, and some people do not and actually protest in order to show their disapproval.
There also another category of tolerance in India and that is the religious tolerance and caste system, some people cannot tolerate different religions in the state of India and they just believe their caste to be the most superior one. There are not enough evidence to prove that there is an issue of tolerance in India, as stated above tolerance is something which cannot be measured because it varies from person to person.
Who would have thought that the country where Mahatma Gandhi launched world’s largest freedom movement against the British on the principles of non-violence successfully would become a land of intolerant people in almost all spheres of life?
The contemporary India is no longer the land of tolerance. In all states, cities, regions and in almost all colonies intolerance is rampant. The crime statistics, communal riots, terrorist and anti-national activities, demand for separate states, strikes based on caste and ethnicities demanding reservations, road accidents, clashes of ideas, beliefs among family members are on the rise.
This growing intolerance has jeopardized the peaceful existence in our country. Everywhere is unrest, stress and tension. We as a nation need to take stock of our deteriorating morals and ethics. Otherwise our country will be riddled with umpteen problems.