English, asked by adeep0752, 1 year ago

Essay on Topic :-
The most valued quality of life discipline


Answered by swapnil4744


Discipline can be explained as training which will develop ones moral character and helps to produce a particular type of behavior. Training which helps the individual to correct, improve the overall conditions, moral character with the change in behavioral pattern of the individual. 



Discipline is an essential part of our life. In fact with out discipline life we can not work smoothly. Parents, elders of the family and the teachers are the first persons to introduce the sense of discipline to the children. Discipline must be learn t from the early stages of life.  Discipline ensures the smooth flow of life with out putting hindrance to the individual's liberty. Discilpline teaches us to be systematic towards achieving our goal of life. It helps us to achive our ambitions.



Our social structure will fall apart with out the discipline in social life. A society with out the proper discipline encourages the unsocial activities such as violence and bad behavior. Self discipline is most important to achieve complete Discipline in life.And it also helps to develop better character of the person concerned.

It is rightly said” He that cannot obey, cannot command".



Nation can not progress with out the law abiding disciplined citizens. This helps to build up the nation with the proper co-operations and unity. In these case nation can be saved from neighbor's opportunistic attitudes. Strength of a nation lies in discipline.


 Chanakya rightly said, "United we stand, divided we fall."



Self-discipline is to motivate self in spite of a negative emotional state of mind. For self-discipline individual should have strong will power to control the mind. Self-discipline works automatically and leads to the success.



His Holiness the Dalai Lama, writes, “Self-discipline, although difficult, while combating negative emotions, should be a defensive measure. At least we will be able to prevent the advent of negative conduct dominated by negative emotion. Once we develop this, by familiarising ourselves with it, along with mindfulness and conscientiousness, eventually that pattern and way of life, will become a part of our own life.”



Our safe survivals depend on nature. Nature strictly follows the law of nature. Nature is very systematic with its law. The day starts with sunrise and sets accordingly to invite night with moon and stars above the sky. Nature is the best example of true discipline to all of us. The perfect nature's law/discipline which controls the earth, the sun, the moon and other planets. Disharmony among the set rules will be disastrous to all of us.



The ancient Hindus insisted on the essentiality of leading a life of restraint. Individual's energies misused without strict control of mind and body. In that case Discipline is necessary for one's moral life. We should remember, — "He alone can command who knows how to obey".



Without discipline there is no way we can control our mind or our senses. The Katha Upanishads explains as:-

“Know the self (atman) as the lord of the chariot, and the body as the chariot. Know the intellect as the charioteer, and the mind as the reins. The senses are the horses … He who has no understanding, whose mind is always unrestrained; his senses are out of control, as wicked horses are for a charioteer. He, however, who has understanding, whose mind is always restrained, his senses are under control, as good horses are for a charioteer.” (Katha Up. 1, 3, 3-6)



In our spiritual life discipline is most essential. The spiritual activity needs systemic actions with strict discipline in life. To lead a spiritual life, a constant alertness over the mind is needed.

Answered by upenderjoshi28


Discipline: The most valued quality of life

Discipline, undoubtedly is the most valued quality of life. If you have it, you have everything. Discipline is indispensable for living a successful life. Success and realization of dreams go hand in hand with discipline. There is no achievement that was accomplished without discipline. All great men of all times who great phenomenal success have been men and women of discipline. Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Socrates, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Charlie Chaplin, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Helen Keller, Booker T. Washington, Mahatma Gandhi, and the like all became disciplined first, successful later.

Being disciplined means knowing optimal time-management, self-control, knack of making best choices, being focused, zero procrastination, always making more attempts in the field you want to advance, upright moral character, and observing morals and ethics. A disciplined person does not have to be told to do the good things; he himself does them. Anyone who is not disciplined can’t hope to be an achiever at all!

Discipline is a must for students and youngsters particularly. Discipline is the first and foremost thing for a student. No student can achieve academic brilliance without discipline. Only a disciplined student will be able to cope up with the challenges of education. Only a disciplined student can manage his time optimally. He utilizes his free time in studies only that make him brilliant in his subjects as well as other areas. As water and sunlight are essential for the healthy growth and development of plants, similarly discipline is the key ingredient in a student’s life.  

Discipline and time-management are indispensable for all aspiring human beings.

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