English, asked by hazel908, 4 months ago

Essay on tough time never lasts


Answered by Anonymous


Problems, difficulties and hardships are a part of everyone's life. Yet, some people handle them better than others. They have developed a mental toughness that allows them to push through hard situations and successfully face adversity. The tendency to be soft instead of tough has existed for centuries. There is a story in the Bible found in Exodus 6:6-9 where God tells the Israelites that He will free them from slavery, accept them as His people and bring them into a new land promised to their ancestors. You would think that their response to such great news would be to rejoice and celebrate but that is not what happened. In Exodus 6:9 it tells us, "When Moses told this to the Israelites, they were too discouraged and mistreated to believe him."

The people had faced such mistreatment by the Egyptians and struggled for so long in captivity that they could not believe good news. Their lack of mental toughness caused them to capitulate to discouragement and unbelief. The same thing happens today to many people facing job loss, health problems, family breakdowns and many other problems. I have personally faced challenges that include the murder of my brother-in-law, the death of my mother to cancer and the year long deployment of my eldest son in Afghanistan. My ability to overcome these hardships and many others has been rooted in mental toughness. Tough times visit all of us but they do not last- tough people do. I believe there are particular qualities that result in this kind of toughness.

Answered by JayDevidar



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