English, asked by sofiajackson2006, 3 months ago

Essay on Tropical Deciclaus Forest​


Answered by adityapalaria



Temperate Deciduous Forest

Geographical location- The Temperate Deciduous Forest is 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south of the equator. This climate can be found in the north in North America, Europe and Asia. In the south, the climate can be found with South America, Australia, and Africa. Climate facts- the average temperature is 50 degrees (24 degrees celsius) and its high is 86 degrees, this factor depends on the altitude of the forest. The temperate deciduous forest receives an average yearly precipitation of 2 to 5 feet, and the humidity of the forest is 60% to 80%. Soil- The soil in this climate is very fertile due to falling leaves, twigs, logs, and dead organisms. Fall- the leaves begin to lose their green color as the chlorophyll inside the leaves goes away. The red and orange that is always associated with fall come into play now, since they are always in the leaf, the only reason the leaf is green is because chlorophyll are inside the cells, but during the cold weather the trees loses the chlorophyll. Layers of the Temperate Forest

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