essay on true liberty
Definition of liberty and two aspects of liberty – The term liberty is a derivation from the Latin word “liber”, which means freedom. Negatively speaking, liberty means absence of all restraints, while positively speaking, it means freedom to do whatever one wants. Thus in the second sense liberty is of the nature of licence, pure and simple. This type of liberty is not possible in a modern state, where everyone has to adjust himself to the fair play of freedom of all.
It is in this context that Herbert Spencer wrote:
“Every man is free to do that which he wills provided he does not infringe the equal freedom of any other man.” Thus liberty has two sides. In the first place, an individual in order to express his personality in thought, word and action wants freedom, i.e., absence of restraint on his freedom in thought, word and action. In the second place liberty carries, with itself a kind of restraint on his own freedom for the sake of adjustment of similar freedom of others in the state. Thus there are provisions for punishment in the criminal code for those who exceed the limits put on their freedom.
Liberty is the state of being free of unnecessary restrictions; being free to make your own choices; being free to experience your own life.
Every year on 15th of August we celebrate our independence day and we say that in 1947 on this day India got its independence or freedom.
But, are we really independent? Do we really get freedom in all aspects of life?
According to me, the answer for this must be a NO. A complete NO!
Only living a life on our own is not liberty. When we are talking about liberty it should be in all aspects. Freedom from poverty, Freedom from deprivation and Freedom from all forms of dicrimintation.
I have seen, we have seen and know that most people in our country spend their life in poverty. Now there ARE few reasons for this!
Corruption, over population and poor governance are some of the basic reasons for poverty in the country.
- Bureaucrats and politicians need to be censured if they are caught cheating the public of their money or their rights.
- Education will lead to awareness of these problems and the quest for finding a solution.
- The Fundamental Rights of the citizens can be protected by an effective law and order system and prompt judiciary.
- Equal opportunity for all will ensure true freedom and prosperity.
The most common thing which is noticed every second of our lives! Women are given less value than men. Women are not allowed to earn. Boys shouldn’t perform the household work. Son as a child is better than a daughter. And many more. Why? Who are we to judge what girls can do and what boys can not do?
Everyone has been sent on this planet for their own reasons! Everyone has their own life.
India is a country where many religions stay together. What makes a problem here is HATE. Everyone Hates Each other. There are fights among the people of different religions due to hatred. All this is because we were taught to do so. From our early childhood we were somehow taught to hate. That small child who was taught to hate is distreying and spending his life in the situation of wars and fights. If we were never taught to hate, we were never different from each other.
We should stop it all! Stop Judging, Stop Discriminating and we all be free. And that will be a perfect definition of TRUE LIBERTY.