essay on unemployment
When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results.
Unemployment is like a headache or a high temperature -- unpleasant and exhausting but not carrying in itself any explanation of its cause. The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.
Of all the aspects of social misery nothing is so heartbreaking as unemployment. Unemployment diminishes people. A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that fortune's inequality exhibits under this sun.
Since employment is a key source of identity and an organizational frame for daily life in our cultures, unemployed individuals suffer psychological and social distress. It is well researched that unemployment is connected with negative health consequences. Unemployment leads to stress-related illnesses and a lowered self-esteem as a result of unmet psychological and social needs in such contexts as: time structure, social interaction, common goals, status, identity, recognition and also uncertainty about the future, financial instability, and loss of vocational identity