essay on 'United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals' 500-1000 words
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals On September 15th, 2015 United Nation leaders created and embraced the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but it was not until January 1st, 2016 that the goals came into full effect (“Sustainable Development Agenda,” 2016). The purpose of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to combat poverty and hunger, ensure well-being, reduce inequality, protect land, secure clean water, and manage climate change(“Sustainable Development Agenda,” 2016). These goals expanded on the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and now include peace and justice, sustainable consumption, and go further in undertaking issues of poverty (“Sustainable Development Agenda,” 2016). The SDGs include solving issues of hunger, education, gender equality, economic growth, peace, climate action, clean energy, and clean water and sanitation. They present clear regulations for nations to incorporate into their daily routines to provide better lives for future generations. Although the SDGs are not binding contracts, governments and leaders are expected to work together and follow through on ensuring that progress and development is being made
..tq friend