Essay on unprecedented times require unprecedented measures in 1000 words
Unprecedented Times Require Unprecedented Measures
By Upender Joshi
Life is not only a bed of roses; one has to face and deal with its thorns as well. If there are joys, there are sorrows as well. If there are good times, there are bad times also. We keep taking life in normal circumstances; however, when we have to deal with emergency situations or when besieged by sorrows, failures, and life-threatening situations, we feel pressed to come out of our comfort zone of normalcy.
Mankind has been facing unprecedented times since the beginning of life. The early man had to face many life-threatening scenarios. There were wars, accidents, diseases, epidemics, etc. man learnt to deal with those challenges. Unprecedented times always made man a better human being. He learnt deeper insights in unprecedented times only.
For example in World War II the U.K. remained unvanquished because its people responded to invasion threats proactively. When almost the entire Europe had yielded to Nazi forces, it stuck to its guns and valiantly faced the mighty Nazi onslaughts. If the people of UK had not taken unprecedented measures, the history of the world would have been different.
It is quite true unprecedented times require unprecedented measures. If we respond o challenging times with usual and normal preparation, we can never ever overcome them. Here I would like to cite another very relevant example. Japan was brutally made limp in World War II by dropping two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. All countries thought Japan would take years to come back to normalcy. However, the Japanese people responded to the unprecedented times heroically. Within a few years, with their perseverance, diligence and dedication they revived their country and made it one of the most advanced countries.
This golden principle can transform any man’s life. Epicurus says, “The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it”. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests. Our strength often increases in proportion to the obstacles imposed upon it.
The history has saluted and honored only tough men who had the ability to adapt and respond to the unprecedented times. The heroes who the entire humankind bows, have been the men or women who showed unparalleled grit and strength in trying times.
Similarly it was Gandhi’s unprecedented rising to the injustice and cruelties of the Britishers in India that paved the way to India’s Independence. If Gandhi and many other freedom fighters would not have fought valiantly, India would never have come out of the clutches of the slavery.
The contemporary times are also very critical; the deadly virus of COVID 19 pandemic has spread far and wide. The need of the hour is to deal with this catastrophe.
The situation in USA, Brazil, Russia, Spain, and India is quite critical; as many as 514,615 people have been reported dead with this virus across the world. Total number of infected patients is 10,613,035; 5,821,205 infected people have recovered. The disease is spreading to other countries. Situation in Iran and Italy is also very critical.
In India 587,092 people have been reported infected with this virus so far. 17,417 people have died; and 348,487 people have recovered. Indian Government has taken many preventive measures. All schools, colleges, universities, cinemas, etc. have been closed till July 31, 2020.
People across the country and the world have been forced to deal with these unprecedented times. If they don’t deal this pandemic courageously and proactively, the situation may deteriorate further. Until the cure is found, people will have to follow safety precautions meticulously. They must not lower their guard. Wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining social distancing, taking care of our health optimally is the only way to deal with these unprecedented times.
Note: You can take ideas from this essay, and develop your own essay.
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