essay on unusual dream
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The idea to pen it down, suddenly cropped up in my bizarre head. Yester night I had a dream. it was rather unusual dream. No I said it wasn’t usual wet-bedrooms Dreams, Instead I dream of a person full of rage and anger. And it happens so that I witness his transformation into a saint a man filled with peace and calm and to an extent i felt the same feeling while dreaming. When I got up this morning I was rather fresh than clumsy on any other days. That was unusual feeling for me. I have no idea what kind of dream it was…. I can still picture him walking … with back towards me. One hand holding a stick for support … but a brisk walk … There was all calm about him.
This entire day i was thinking what kind of dream it was and bigger question was “What does that mean, If anything at all?” A few days ago i was reading blog post by my college friend. He is an avid believer in God and has influenced many of our friends with his sweet behavior and super talent (Js kidding buddy ) . In this blog post, he has written How in solitude he would talk to his friend and mentor , The God and how with signs he would reply or it seems he replied. May be this post had influenced my unusual behavior, i thought. Although I’m not much of a believer (Save for times of peril ), but deep down it might be influencing it. Haven’t books like The Alchemist emphasize on the external and inner voice akin to guiding spirit. Many of the times we might ignore our own voice… but always it has an opinion on everything at least when you seek it.
There is a man. He is haphazard… dressed in muddy yellow t-shirt, torn at the bottom.. hair unkempt and a rough square muddy colored face, sitting around the corner under a dim street light… as if waiting for his prey. ……. The next moment, I see him in an office with same untidy face. May be it’s his face cutting which gives an untidy appearance. Looks dejected… ready to invite trouble with a slightest of incitement . people passing by trying to evade his touch. …. He is sitting at the far-flung corner of the big auditorium… face down… as if in deep thought, oblivious of what happening in his surrounding……… Soon, He is wearing a white robe… shaved head and a lighted face emitting radiance… a serene look with those eyes as deep as the sea. He is standing facing the dawning sun and at certain point of time… the setting sun becomes halo around his skinny head… looks like he was himself some avatar of god. and He walks by… people are gazing towards him with gaping mouth and surprise look…
I tried to analyse why I might be dreaming …
first, it came to me may be of was an influence of the blog post I mentioned I had read a few days before. Secondly, While at home.. I met a man who has become sanyasi (One who leaves his family to go in search of unknown, Who I have No idea). last time when I met him he didn’t show any sign of becoming one. That was a surprise for me… Third, lately I’m trying to control my anger which sometimes erupts like a volcano and for no real cause. It just gets off lid and troubles me and brings grief and remorse ultimately. One method I adopted was to Smile at anyone who tries to defame me and my right and just ways. I try to give a darn care attitude. At least that might frustrate him and has last stopped abusing for no reason.. either to me or even to others. The basic idea of me turning peaceful within might be another reason I guess. …
Anyway, may be few more insights would be meaningful…
Hope to hear you soon…
cya good night..
This entire day i was thinking what kind of dream it was and bigger question was “What does that mean, If anything at all?” A few days ago i was reading blog post by my college friend. He is an avid believer in God and has influenced many of our friends with his sweet behavior and super talent (Js kidding buddy ) . In this blog post, he has written How in solitude he would talk to his friend and mentor , The God and how with signs he would reply or it seems he replied. May be this post had influenced my unusual behavior, i thought. Although I’m not much of a believer (Save for times of peril ), but deep down it might be influencing it. Haven’t books like The Alchemist emphasize on the external and inner voice akin to guiding spirit. Many of the times we might ignore our own voice… but always it has an opinion on everything at least when you seek it.
There is a man. He is haphazard… dressed in muddy yellow t-shirt, torn at the bottom.. hair unkempt and a rough square muddy colored face, sitting around the corner under a dim street light… as if waiting for his prey. ……. The next moment, I see him in an office with same untidy face. May be it’s his face cutting which gives an untidy appearance. Looks dejected… ready to invite trouble with a slightest of incitement . people passing by trying to evade his touch. …. He is sitting at the far-flung corner of the big auditorium… face down… as if in deep thought, oblivious of what happening in his surrounding……… Soon, He is wearing a white robe… shaved head and a lighted face emitting radiance… a serene look with those eyes as deep as the sea. He is standing facing the dawning sun and at certain point of time… the setting sun becomes halo around his skinny head… looks like he was himself some avatar of god. and He walks by… people are gazing towards him with gaping mouth and surprise look…
I tried to analyse why I might be dreaming …
first, it came to me may be of was an influence of the blog post I mentioned I had read a few days before. Secondly, While at home.. I met a man who has become sanyasi (One who leaves his family to go in search of unknown, Who I have No idea). last time when I met him he didn’t show any sign of becoming one. That was a surprise for me… Third, lately I’m trying to control my anger which sometimes erupts like a volcano and for no real cause. It just gets off lid and troubles me and brings grief and remorse ultimately. One method I adopted was to Smile at anyone who tries to defame me and my right and just ways. I try to give a darn care attitude. At least that might frustrate him and has last stopped abusing for no reason.. either to me or even to others. The basic idea of me turning peaceful within might be another reason I guess. …
Anyway, may be few more insights would be meaningful…
Hope to hear you soon…
cya good night..
please mark as brainlist
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