English, asked by unknown2480, 9 months ago

essay on uses and abuses of social media​


Answered by kushalreddy2007


This is an era of science and technology and almost all the students from all around the world spend a lot of hours on the different social media sites. In these famous social media sites, there comes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and so on. To discuss and share the information on these social media sites, there requires a mobile phone with a primary internet connection. Social media is also a combination of technology, telecommunication, and social interaction. With the help of social media, a student can communicate with others with the help of words, pictures, films, and music. There are some uses as well as abuses of these social media sites for the students.

With the help of these social media sites, one can turn the method of communication into interactive dialogues. For this reason, different kinds of web-based and mobile technologies are required. With the help of these social media sites, the students can also create a virtual network of communication and interaction with those people who have similar thinking habits like them. These social media sites provide a lot of facilities to the students in order to interact with each other. They can interact with each other either by cheating, sending the instant messages, sharing photos, videos, and music or by audio or video calling.

Different students use the different kinds of social media sites. For example, if a student is interested in the blog sharing social media sites, then he/she can avail an opportunity to read out interesting blogs on their desired topics. A student can also share his/her views about a particular topic in the form of a blog. There are also some students who are interested to get and share information in the form of videos. The world’s largest video sharing website is YouTube. You can’t only watch videos on YouTube but you can also comment on the videos and share your own interesting videos on this amazing site. There are also some students who join news sharing sites to interact with each other and much more.

Along with these uses of social media sites, there are also some abuses of these social media sites. In the main abuses of social media sites, there comes the sharing of pornographic material without any restriction, sharing of different kinds of viruses that can damage your computer or mobile phone, sending of instant messages in order to create a sense of fear among the people, and Cyber Bullying. In some unexpected places, the use of violence and obscenity is also a challenge for the people. These kinds of abuses of the social media sites last a lot of adverse effects on the students.

From the above discussion, one thing is clear that these social media sites provide freedom to the students in order to share their own views and expressions about anything. Moreover, these social media sites are also used for a lot of illegal acts. Due to these abuses of social media sites, the government has to censor these social media sites. To sum up, we can say that there are a lot of uses as well as abuses of these social media sites and it is up to you to use these social media sites according to your own will.

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