Essay on usha nagarkar the kho kho player
Usha Nagarkar is 77 years old and was born on 1/1/1941. Currently, she lives in Mission Viejo, CA; and previously lived in Chandler, AZ, Chandler, AZ and Tempe, AZ. Sometimes Usha goes by various nicknames including Nagarkar Usha and Usha M Nagarkar. Her ethnicity is Indian American, and religious views are listed as Hindu. Usha is now married. Other family members and associates include Madhukar Nagarkar and Shaila Nagarkar. She has a reported annual income of $100,000 - $149,999 and a current net worth value of greater than $499,999.
Birthday: 1/1/1941
Political Party: Info Pending...
Ethnicity: Indian American
Religion: Hindu
Income: $100 - $149,999
Net Worth: Greater than $499,999
Relationship: Married
Kids: Info Pending...
Current Home Value: $245
Home Purchase Price: $245
Year: Info Pending...
Make: Info Pending...
Model: Info Pending...