Psychology, asked by geethika251287, 5 months ago

essay on video games should be banned​


Answered by mahi577


contemporary society, the technology of violent video game become more and more advanced. The effects of media violence on video games has been increasing in people’s daily life. It is still be an issue and have a lot of debate on whether or not violent video games should be banned. In this essay, violent video games can be defined by

contemporary society, the technology of violent video game become more and more advanced. The effects of media violence on video games has been increasing in people’s daily life. It is still be an issue and have a lot of debate on whether or not violent video games should be banned. In this essay, violent video games can be defined by RWJF Blog Team as those video game which represent violence as the best or only way to resolve conflict.( Pioneering ideas 2010). This essay will discussed by two reasons for violent video game should be banned and two reasons against that violent video games are benefit for society. Firstly, violent video game have positive points which may help children develop problem---solving skills. Besides, video game are very useful contribution to society--- especially the violent ones. However, violent video game also have the negative part. One of the original purposes reason about why it should be banned is violence may change the violent video game player’s brain function. Another reason to support violent video game should be banned is it brings a lot of dangerous to the individuals.

u have great smile

keep smiling

Answered by Khadijah21

\huge\bold{ \green{EsSaY}}

Video games should be banned♪

Yes that is true video games should be banned as soon as possible. Because of the video games the upcoming generation and the present learners can't concentrate on their studies. We know that they need a time of rest but on electronics it is not possible.

Video games creates many problems like spine injury, headache, loss of eye sight, body pain and many more. Children get stressed up when they do not win ant match. The stress leads to diseases and a pain for their parents.

I therefore conclude by writing that Video games should be banned as fast as possible.

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