English, asked by kashishbatra2408, 8 months ago

essay on war-an evil​


Answered by rrr7397

Evils of War There is no doubt that war is an evil one. It is the greatest catastrophe that can befall human beings. It brings death and destruction, merciless slaughter and butchery, disease and starvation, poverty and ruin in its wake. One has only to think of the havoc that was wrought in various countries not many years ago, in order to estimate the destructive effects of war. A particularly disturbing side of modern wars is that they tend to become global so that they may engulf the entire world. There are, doubtless, people who consider war as something grand and heroic and regard it as something that brings out the best man. But this does not in any way alter the fact that war is a terrible dreadful calamity and this is especially true of an atomic war. But though war is an evil, we must recognize the fact that it is a necessary, inescapable evil. A glance at the past history of the world will show war has been a recurrent phenomenon in the history of nations. No period in world history has been free from the devastating effects of war. We have had wars of all types--- wars lasting for a year or so and a war lasting for hundred years. In view of this it seems futile to talk of permanent, everlasting peace or to make plans of the establishment of eternal peace. We have had advocates of non-violence and the theory of The brotherhood of mankind and fraternity of god. But in spite of preachers of love and non- violence, weapons have always been used, military force has always been employed. Clashes of arms have always occurred. In a world war has ways been waged. War has indeed, been such a marked feature of every age and period This has come to be regarded as part of The normal life of nations. Poet and prophets have drea... ... middle of paper ... ...on between the hostile nations in anticipation of such an eventuality, that disarmament efforts proving futile. The Indo-Pakistani war was fought over the Kashmir issue. It also appears that if peace were to continue for along period, people would become sick of the monotony of peace and seek war for change. Man is a highly dynamic creature and it seems that he cannot remain contented merely with works of peace - the cultivations of arts, The development of Modern comforts, the extension of knowledge, the means and appliances of a happy life. He wants something thrilling and full of excitement and he fights in order to get an outlet for his accumulated energy. It must be admitted to that war has its good side. It spurs men to heriosm and self- sacrifice.

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